Josh Klute, RN


The Adventure of life holds endless potential with new and exciting trails to follow at every turn.”  Medicine, biking, and competing are all tails that have become part of what make Josh who he is.  

While working to complete a degree in Kinesiology he was tossed down the rabbit hole with a short course in wilderness medicine, which soon turned into an EMT certification.  With several years of experience working in emergency services on an ambulance he pursued nursing school.  Upon completion he jumped into the critical care world as a nurse in the intensive care unit where he enjoys the opportunity to impact lives for the better while soaking up the continual flow of knowledge.  

After growing up competing in most every event Track and Field have to offer he thought he could “retire” from competition after college.  That didn’t last long as the hunger for competition pulled him back into the fray.  Mountain biking, having been in his life since about the age of five, quickly rose to the surface as a place to invest that hunger.  While initially holding a firm stance on the need to “earn his turns” as a cross country mtb racer, he has recently discovered the wonder of Enduro racing.  

“Team EMS is perfect as it combines several of my largest passions, I cannot wait to see where this new path leads!”


Robert Conner